PCOS (Polycystic Ovary Syndrome) is a hormonal disorder that affects roughly 5 million women of reproductive age in the U.S. alone and many more worldwide. Though its exact causes are unknown, it is characterized by the presence of cysts in the ovaries and associated with hormonal imbalances leading to a wide variety of symptoms, including irregular menstrual cycles, infertility, excessive hair growth, acne, weight gain, and more. People with PCOS are also at higher risk of developing health conditions such as Diabetes, heart disease, obesity, and depression.

With the rise in popularity of injectable antidiabetic medications like Ozempic and Wegovy, there have been numerous anecdotal reports that off-label use of these drugs for treating PCOS has yielded positive results. In this post, we’ve put together an overview of what is known about Mounjaro (tirzepatide) for PCOS and explored how it may be effective in alleviating some PCOS symptoms.

Bear in mind that Mounjaro is not approved or officially indicated for treating PCOS and that using it off-label for this purpose should only be considered under the supervision of a medical professional. To determine whether or not Mounjaro may be a possible option for treating your PCOS, speak directly with your doctor or healthcare provider.

What Is Mounjaro?

Mounjaro (tirzepatide) is a prescription antidiabetic medication manufactured by Eli Lilly. Like Ozempic, it is injected subcutaneously once weekly and is indicated for the treatment of Type 2 Diabetes (blood sugar regulation) in adults. Recently, tirzepatide was also FDA-approved for chronic weight management in obese and some overweight populations under the brand name Zepbound. Both Mounjaro and Zepbound are most effective when taken in combination with a healthy diet and regular exercise.

Mounjaro belongs to the class of medications known as GIP/GLP-1 receptor agonists. It mimics two different hormones produced during digestion and binds to their receptor sites. Tirzepatide reduces blood sugar levels by promoting natural insulin secretion in the pancreas and inhibiting the release of sugar from the liver in response to the presence of food (sugar). It also slows digestion, stimulates brain appetite centers, and impacts metabolism and how fat is stored and used in the body. These mechanisms of action are often associated with significant weight loss and a reduction in hunger and cravings.

What Is PCOS?

PCOS (Polycystic Ovary Syndrome) is a condition characterized by hormonal imbalance. Small cysts (fluid-filled sacs) develop along the outer edges of the ovaries, each one containing an immature egg that fails to mature and be released. Many people with PCOS experience symptoms that can include:

  • Increased production of male hormones (can result in the expression of typically male traits such as hair growth, deepening of the voice, etc.)
  • Irregular menstrual cycles
  • Infertility
  • Pregnancy complications
  • Acne
  • Mental health issues (depression, mood disorders)
  • Weight gain/obesity

PCOS is often diagnosed in adolescence, but can also manifest later in life. Like many conditions, it exists on a spectrum: Some affected women may not even realize they have it while others may experience severe symptoms. Because PCOS can impact fertility, many women first receive a diagnosis when they are trying to become pregnant.

More research is needed to determine the exact cause(s) of PCOS, but genetics likely play a role in the development of the condition. Other factors commonly linked with PCOS include insulin resistance, excess weight, and long-term inflammation in the body.

Unfortunately, there is no cure for PCOS. Instead, symptoms are usually managed individually, meaning that women with PCOS may find themselves taking multiple medications (and contending with multiple sets of side effects) simultaneously. Recently, some women with PCOS have found Mounjaro to offer some benefits in treating PCOS. Let’s take a closer look:

Why Take Mounjaro for PCOS?

Anecdotal reports have associated Mounjaro with improvements in hormonal balance, weight management, menstrual regularity, and even mental/emotional health for some women with PCOS. More data is needed to support these findings, but it is generally thought that tirzepatide’s positive impacts on insulin function and weight loss may also alleviate numerous other symptoms in somewhat of a chain reaction.

For instance, while Mounjaro won’t directly regulate the menstrual cycle, it may increase insulin sensitivity, which can reduce some of the hormone imbalances that underlie PCOS. In turn, this can help regulate the menstrual cycle (and potentially decrease or eliminate many other PCOS symptoms). PCOS is a complex condition, and all of its intricacies are still being explored. That being said, Mounjaro may help regulate certain impactful pieces of the puzzle.

How Mounjaro Can Help Alleviate PCOS Symptoms

Above, we’ve seen one example of how Mounjaro might initiate a positive chain reaction in the body. Let’s dig a little deeper. Tirzepatide is best known for its abilities to: 1) Increase insulin sensitivity (decrease insulin resistance); and 2) Promote weight loss. Both of these outcomes can offer potentially significant benefits for people with PCOS:

  • Insulin resistance is linked to a wide variety of different PCOS symptoms. Thus, treatments that improve insulin sensitivity and decrease blood sugar levels often also improve PCOS symptoms.
  • Likewise, many PCOS symptoms are directly compounded by weight gain or obesity. Weight loss can reduce androgen levels (male hormones) in the body and help decrease symptoms like hair growth and acne. Metabolically, it also has the potential to restore ovulation and improve fertility and outcomes related to blood pressure, cholesterol levels, and more.

Does Mounjaro Help Insulin Sensitivity?

As an antidiabetic medication, one of Mounjaro’s primary functions is to control blood glucose levels. It helps insulin sensitivity in a number of different ways including:

  • Stimulating insulin secretion only in response to food (as opposed to the constantly high insulin levels often associated with insulin resistance)
  • Lowering blood sugar levels (inhibiting glucose release from the liver)
  • Increasing feelings of satiety (when you’re less hungry you eat less and reduce the demand for insulin)
  • Decreasing overall inflammation in the body
  • Helping to regulate how fat is metabolized

Mounjaro Vs. Ozempic for PCOS

Like Mounjaro, Ozempic has been anecdotally associated with improved PCOS symptoms for some women with the condition. Certain doctors may prescribe Ozempic off-label for the treatment of PCOS if they believe it will benefit their patients.

Ozempic belongs to the class of prescription medications known as GLP-1 receptor agonists and affects blood sugar and hunger levels by imitating a naturally occurring gut hormone known as glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1). While they have many similarities, Ozempic and Mounjaro are not interchangeable. They have different active ingredients, are available in different dosage amounts, and may impact patients with PCOS in different ways.

For a more in-depth analysis of Ozempic for PCOS, read our post titled “Ozempic for PCOS Weight Loss“.

Can Mounjaro Help With PCOS Fertility?

Can Mounjaro help with fertility issues for women with PCOS? The answer is: It depends.

In combination with reduced insulin sensitivity, obesity is commonly associated with PCOS and can be a major contributing factor to fertility barriers, including:

For women with PCOS who are also overweight or obese, weight loss can be an impactful way to increase fertility outcomes and medications like Mounjaro and Ozempic can help.

However, it is essential to recognize that Mounjaro doesn’t directly impact fertility; rather, it promotes weight loss and blood sugar regulation, both of which can indirectly contribute to improved fertility outcomes in some women with PCOS.


To conclude, Mounjaro is an injectable Type 2 Diabetes medication that is sometimes prescribed off-label for patients with PCOS. Though more research is needed into the impacts of GLP-1 and GIP/GLP-1 receptor agonists (drugs like Ozempic and Mounjaro) on PCOS, many anecdotal reports indicate positive outcomes and a decrease in PCOS symptoms.

Mounjaro regulates blood sugar levels and is associated with significant weight loss potential. Increased insulin sensitivity and decreased body weight can indirectly influence a wide range of health concerns associated with PCOS, including irregular periods, infertility, obesity, high blood pressure, acne, excess hair growth, high cholesterol levels, and more.

If you’re interested in trying Mounjaro for PCOS, it’s crucial to speak directly with your doctor or healthcare provider to find out if they believe this medication may be the right fit for your particular needs and circumstances. If you receive a prescription and are ready to try the drug, it will then be time to contend with its high price tag (the majority of insurance plans won’t cover off-label prescriptions).

At Bisonpharmacy.com, we specialize in shipping high-quality medications to Americans at affordable prices. Whether you’re seeking Ozempic, Mounjaro, or another life-changing medication, our experienced team can help.

Ready to jumpstart your health and wellness journey with economical medications shipped directly to your door? Our friendly representatives and pharmacists are available every day of the year. Find out why so many Americans use Bisonpharmacy.com when you order Ozempic or Mounjaro from us today! We look forward to hearing from you.

About the Author

Ida Edlweiss Gumpal is a licensed Pharmacist and medical writer. She took her internships at Mercury Drug Corporation, Inc., a Hospital internship at De Vera Medical Center, Inc., and a Manufacturing internship at Philmed Laboratories, Inc. She has plans on attending medical school with the goal of specializing in Neurosurgery or Cardiothoracic surgery.