Humulin 30 / 70 Cartridge (Insulin Injection Human Biosynthetic, Insulin Isophane Human Biosynthetic)

Humulin 30 / 70 CartridgeGENERICBRAND


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Product Information

What is Humulin 30/70 Cartridge?

It is a pre-mixed Insulin cartridge that has 30% Humulin R or regular human insulin, short-acting insulin, and 70% Humulin N- NPH or Insulin Isophane, intermediate-acting insulin.

This drug is available in 3mL Cartridges and 10mL vials. Humulin 30/70 Cartridge contains 100 units of white suspension that is manufactured and marketed by Eli Lilly and Company Indiana Pvt Ltd.

What is it used for?

Humulin 30/70 helps patients in both children and adults with Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes mellitus control their blood glucose levels.

How does it work?

It maintains sugar levels from spiking by lessening the production of sugar in the liver and increasing sugar reuptake in the muscle and fat cells. Humulin can also lower the progression of complications in diabetic patients such as Retinopathy, Nephropathy, Neuropathy, and diabetic foot ulcer.

How to take it?

Always mix the suspension before administration by rolling the cartridge in between palms. Inspect if the drug is free from clumps, sedimentation, or cracks before inserting Humulin 30/70 Cartridge in the reusable pen of Lilly injector systems. Inject the drug subcutaneously in the abdomen, thighs, and upper arms of the patient. Remember to change the injection site every other dose to avoid tissue damage. Do not inject intravenously and do not rub the site of administration.


Humulin should be prescribed by the doctor according to the requirement of the patient concerning her diet and lifestyle.

Side Effects

Blurred vision, anxiety, confusion, drowsiness, tachycardia, weakness, nausea, and difficulty speaking and concentrating are some signs of Hypoglycemia that can be seen in patients taking Humulin.

Warnings, Precautions, and Contraindications

Hypoglycemia and hyperglycemia can cause coma, loss of consciousness, or even death in the patients. Hence, driving or operating machinery should be avoided as blood glucose levels must be monitored for all patients taking Humulin. Insulin dose may increase if the patient is taking Humulin with oral contraceptives, thiazides, sympathomimetics, corticosteroids, danazol, or thyroid replacement therapy. The dose may also decrease in the combination of salicylates, sulfa antibiotics, monoamine oxidase inhibitors, beta-blockers, ACEIs, and alcohol. Taking thiazolidinedione in combination with this drug may result in swelling of the lower extremities and heart failure. Do not use it after the expiry date.

Adverse Effect

Depression in the skin (lipoatrophy), skin lumps (localized subcutaneous amyloidosis), or enlargement of tissue (lipohypertrophy) are the rare results of injecting Insulin subcutaneously but a change in injection technique may solve the problem. Notify the healthcare provider if the patient has a rash all over the body, shortness of breath, diabetic acidosis, reduction in blood pressure, and coma after administration of Humulin.


Unopened cartridges of Humulin 30/70 should be stored in the refrigerator with a temperature ranging from 2-8°C while in-use cartridges should remain in a temperature not exceeding 25°C for up to 28 days. Never refrigerate Lilly reusable pen with a cartridge inserted into it. Do not freeze, or store in the bathroom, or with direct sunlight as it may affect the quality of the product.


Throw away unrefrigerated cartridges after 21 days even if it is still full of Humulin. Do not dispose of this drug in wastewater and used needles must be stored in a puncture-resistant container.

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