Ozempic is a non-insulin Type 2 Diabetes medication that helps stimulate the natural release of insulin and regulate blood sugar levels in adults. Although there are no specific foods that must be avoided while taking Ozempic, there are certain foods that can exacerbate Ozempic’s side effects and make it more difficult to manage blood sugar levels while on the drug.

Overall, the foods to avoid while taking Ozempic are mostly the same foods that should be avoided in order to maintain a healthy diet in general (whether you have Diabetes or not). In this article, we’ll take a closer look at how a healthy diet can contribute positively to your experience on Ozempic and your quality of life as a whole.

Key Takeaways

  • Although there are no specific foods that must be strictly avoided while taking Ozempic, there are plenty of foods that can make Ozempic’s side effects worse and/or make it more difficult to regulate blood sugar levels while taking the drug.
  • Categories of foods to limit or avoid entirely while taking Ozempic include foods with added sugars, fried foods, alcohol, refined carbohydrates, and high-glycemic fruits and vegetables.
  • To reap the best results that Ozempic has to offer, focus on a diet rich in lean meats and alternatives, whole grains and complex carbohydrates, and low-carbohydrate fruits and vegetables.
  • Ozempic doesn’t work in isolation. The best results occur when Ozempic is complemented with regular exercise and a healthy diet.

What Is Ozempic?

Ozempic (semaglutide) is a brand-name prescription drug manufactured by Novo Nordisk. In 2017, it was FDA-approved for the treatment of Type 2 Diabetes and associated cardiovascular disease in adults. Semaglutide has also been correlated with weight loss, and some healthcare providers may prescribe Ozempic off-label as a weight loss drug for long-term weight management.

Ozempic is injected subcutaneously once weekly into the abdomen, thigh, or upper arm. It comes in injectable, pre-filled pens that contain doses of 0.25 mg, 0.5 mg, 1 mg, or 2 mg. Patients typically begin Ozempic at the lowest dosage and build up to the optimal level for their own body over a series of weeks. This allows time for the body to adjust to the medication.

Ozempic belongs to a class of medications known as GLP-1 receptor agonists. Glucagon-like peptide 1 (GLP-1) is a naturally secreted gut hormone that is imitated by semaglutide (Ozempic’s active ingredient). Ozempic stimulates the natural pancreatic production of insulin, helps regulate blood sugar levels, and slows down the digestive process as a whole. It’s associated with increased feelings of satiety or fullness.

Side Effects of Ozempic

The most common mild side effects of Ozempic are gastrointestinal. They can include:

  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Constipation
  • Diarrhea
  • Bloating
  • Abdominal pain

Often, these side effects clear up on their own, but you can also help mitigate them by carefully regulating your diet (see below). Additionally, it’s recommended to eat slowly, eat smaller meals more frequently, drink plenty of clear liquids, and stick to bland foods when possible.

Though rare, serious side effects of Ozempic do also exist. These can include:

  • Severe allergic reactions
  • Hypoglycemia (especially when Ozempic is taken with other Diabetes medications)
  • Pancreas, kidney, or gallbladder issues
  • Diabetic retinopathy (vision changes)
  • The development of thyroid tumors, including thyroid cancer

Can Some Foods Worsen Ozempic’s Side Effects?

Yes. Some foods and beverages can exacerbate Ozempic’s side effects and add to your discomfort while on the drug. In most cases, the foods that should be avoided while on Ozempic are the same foods you would intuitively avoid when seeking to improve the health of your diet and regulate your blood sugar levels naturally in general.

What Foods Should You Avoid While on Ozempic?

While every patient’s experience with Ozempic will be unique, the information in this section provides an overview of the categories of food that are best avoided while taking Ozempic. For specific inquiries, consult directly with your healthcare provider.

Foods With Added Sugars

If you live with Diabetes, you’re already aware that sugary foods can trigger serious blood sugar spikes. In addition, high-sugar foods contribute to weight gain and can worsen Ozempic’s gastrointestinal side effects. While taking Ozempic, it’s recommended to avoid sodas, candies, chocolates, sugary desserts, and other highly sugary foods.

Fried, Fatty, or Greasy Foods

Unfortunately, fried, fatty, and greasy foods are some of the most difficult for your body to digest—even when you’re not taking Ozempic. In combination with Ozempic, these types of foods are likely to make you feel even worse. Not only that, but fried and fatty foods contribute to poor cardiovascular health (the leading cause of death in people with Type 2 Diabetes) and make it difficult to lose weight. It’s best to completely avoid foods like fast food, chips, high-calorie pastries, and deep-fried foods.


Alcohol is not strictly prohibited while taking Ozempic, but avoiding it is a plus. It’s recommended to speak with your doctor to determine how much (if any) alcohol your body will be able to tolerate while on Ozempic—especially in combination with any other medications or supplements you may be taking. In addition to being a potentially addictive substance, alcohol can also dysregulate your blood sugar levels.

Refined Carbohydrates

Refined carbohydrates can be tricky to spot because they may not appear to be highly sugary. But when they break down in your body, they’re metabolized as glucose. While on Ozempic, keep an eye out for foods such as white bread, pasta, pastries, white rice, and many breakfast kinds of cereal.

High-Glycemic Fruits & Vegetables

While fruits and vegetables may seem like an obvious go-to for healthy eating, not all fresh produce is created equally. While on Ozempic, it’s important to be aware of which fruits and vegetables may actually contain high quantities of carbohydrates, which can negatively impact your blood sugar levels and/or reactions to Ozempic. Examples of high-glycemic fruits and vegetables include dried fruits, many canned fruits, pineapple, grapes, papaya, cherries, carrots, sweet potatoes, beets, sweet corn, and more.

See also: 4 drugs that shouldn’t be taken with Ozempic

Foods You Should Eat While on Ozempic

Enough with the don’ts. Here are some suggestions for foods that will help you effectively regulate your blood sugar levels and mitigate the side effects of Ozempic. When it comes to developing healthy eating habits, these foods should be front and center:

Lean Meats & Proteins

Fresh fish, poultry, or meat alternatives (like tofu) are a perfect main course. Grill or steam to avoid excess fats from frying. Other healthy proteins include nuts and seeds, eggs (in moderation), yogurts and cheeses (in moderation), and beans.

Whole Grains & Complex Carbs

Instead of refined carbohydrates, turn to whole grains and complex carbs that contain crucial fibers, vitamins, and minerals. Examples include brown rice, whole wheat bread and cereals, quinoa, barley, oats, and more.

Low-Glycemic Fruits & Vegetables

Examples of low-glycemic fruits and vegetables (fresh produce with fewer carbohydrates) include bananas, berries, citrus fruits, stone fruits, and most non-starchy vegetables such as broccoli, spinach, kale, cauliflower, and more.

Healthy Fats

Fats are a vital part of a healthy diet, but they have to be the right kind. Focus on naturally occurring fats such as those from coconut or olive oil, avocadoes, fish, nuts, and seeds.

Getting the Best Results While on Ozempic

Taking Ozempic can help you regulate your blood sugar levels and reduce your risk of major cardiovascular events, but truly making a shift toward wellness also requires exercise and a healthy diet. By avoiding the foods in this article (and focusing on the healthy ones instead) you can both reduce the negative side effects of Ozempic and improve your overall health and lifestyle as a whole.

If you’re looking to source high-quality Ozempic at an affordable price, consider ordering directly from Canada. The expert team at Bisonpharmacy.com can help!

About the Author

Ida Edlweiss Gumpal is a licensed Pharmacist and medical writer. She took her internships at Mercury Drug Corporation, Inc., a Hospital internship at De Vera Medical Center, Inc., and a Manufacturing internship at Philmed Laboratories, Inc. She has plans on attending medical school with the goal of specializing in Neurosurgery or Cardiothoracic surgery.